50th Anniversary in Zala County

The Hungarian Economic Association's Zala County Organisation will celebrate its 50th anniversary on Tuesday, 25 April 2023, from 10 am in the banquet hall of the Town Hall in Zalaegerszeg. Tibor Navracsics, Minister of Rural Development, will be the speaker of the festive session and will share his thoughts on the new directions of spatial [...]

50th Anniversary in Zala County2023-04-25T08:22:55+00:00

Web Commerce in Central and Eastern Europe

In the Shadow of Amazon - Web Commerce in Central and Eastern Europe. This is the title of an online roundtable discussion organised by the Central and Eastern European Section of the Hungarian Economic Society on Wednesday 26 April 2023 from 10 am on Webex and on the MKT YouTube channel. The speakers will be [...]

Web Commerce in Central and Eastern Europe2023-04-10T20:22:56+00:00

Systemic risks of technology giants

The systemic risks of technology giants and their regulation - "Too Big(Tech) To Fail?" - is the title of an essay by Roland Bódi, Péter Fáykiss and Ádám Nyikes in the March 2023 issue of Financial and Economic Review. In connection with the article, the Hungarian Economic Association and the Financial and Economic Review will [...]

Systemic risks of technology giants2023-04-05T19:55:30+00:00

Monetary policy after Covid, during the war

Monetary policy after Covid, during the war - banking crisis, inflation, growth. This is the title of the lecture given by György Surányi, professor and former Governor of the Central Bank of Hungary, at the invitation of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Organisation of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) on Monday 17 April 2023, at 11 am, [...]

Monetary policy after Covid, during the war2023-04-05T19:14:26+00:00

Tax planning in a supranational environment

Tax planning in a supranational environment - this is the title of a lecture given by Balázs Károlyi, international tax expert of PricewaterhouseCoopers, at the invitation of the Debrecen Youth Organization of the Hungarian Economic Association on Thursday, 6 April 2023, at 4 pm, in Room 10 of the TVK building of the Faculty of [...]

Tax planning in a supranational environment2023-04-01T10:51:55+00:00
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