Reflections on the Hungarian food industry

Reflections on the present and the near future of the Hungarian food industry - this is the title of a lecture by Tamás Éder, Director of Corporate Relations and Communications of Bonafarm Zrt., President of the Hungarian Meat Industry Association, Vice President of the National Chamber of Agriculture and Food Industry, held at the invitation [...]

Reflections on the Hungarian food industry2023-05-03T16:32:33+00:00

The role of validation in career development

The role of validation in career development - this is the title of an online conference organised by the Hungarian Economic Association's Labour Section in cooperation with the Hungarian Pedagogical Society's Career Guidance Section on Thursday, 22 June 2023, from 2 pm on Webex and on the MKT's YouTube channel. The speakers - Tibor Bors [...]

The role of validation in career development2023-05-06T12:35:11+00:00

Development policy: with Etele Baráth

The members of the Development Policy Section of the Hungarian Economic Association unanimously confirmed Etele Baráth, former Minister for European Affairs and former member of the European Economic and Social Committee, as the President of the Section, and elected a new Section Secretary in the person of Miklós Andorka, Deputy Chief Strategy Officer of MAPI [...]

Development policy: with Etele Baráth2023-05-03T09:05:01+00:00

Digitalisation and finance

Digitalization and Finance - this is the title of an online conference organised by the Finance Section of the Hungarian Economic Association and the Economics Working Committee of the Veszprém Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on Thursday, 25 May 2023, from 2 pm on Webex and on the HEA's YouTube channel. Speakers [...]

Digitalisation and finance2023-05-23T16:01:12+00:00

HEA elections in Veszprém county

The HEA's Veszprém County Organisation held an election: during the online voting, the members unanimously supported the election of Ildikó Neumanné Virág, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Pannonia, as the County Organisation's President for the next three years. The members of the HEA's Veszprém County organisation also unanimously elected [...]

HEA elections in Veszprém county2023-05-02T13:46:11+00:00

Startups in the health industry

EIT Health InnoStars has conducted a survey on the health innovation ecosystem based on the business results of 215 health startups in 10 countries and the feedback of more than 200 professionals.The Hungarian Economic Association's (HEA) Informatics Section will organise an online roundtable discussion on the findings of the survey and its implications for Hungary [...]

Startups in the health industry2023-04-30T18:53:36+00:00

Hungarian-German economic relations

The economic situation of Germany and Hungarian-German economic relations in the shadow of European challenges - this is the title of an online event organised by the International Economy Section of the Hungarian Economic Association on Wednesday, 24 May 2023, from 2 pm on Webex and on the HEA's YouTube channel. Imre Juhász, retired economic [...]

Hungarian-German economic relations2023-04-28T16:42:28+00:00

Trade Section: with a strengthened board

With the unanimous support of the voting members, Tamás Kozák, Associate Professor of the Department of Commerce at the Budapest Business School, will continue to serve as the President of the Hungarian Economic Association's Section of Commerce. There was also no change in the position of the secretary: Gabriella Soós, assistant professor at BGE and [...]

Trade Section: with a strengthened board2023-04-27T17:02:42+00:00

Switching up a gear in Szolnok

At its general meeting on 26 April, the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Organisation of the Hungarian Economic Association elected Zsolt Bischof, the factory manager of Béres Zrt. in Szolnok, as its president for another three years. At the meeting, Zsolt Bischof said that although the county organisation had been less active in recent years, they would like [...]

Switching up a gear in Szolnok2023-04-27T12:43:25+00:00

The Demography Section elected a Board

József Benda, socialisation researcher, will continue to chair the Demography Section of the Hungarian Economic Association, and the position of the Section Secretary has remained unchanged: Zsuzsa Fekete Sisakné, statistician, will take on the duties of the Section Secretary for the next three years. During the renewal meeting, which ended on Wednesday, the Section elected [...]

The Demography Section elected a Board2023-04-27T07:37:53+00:00
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