Recovery from the COVID-19 Recession in the V4 Countries

Recovery from the COVID-19 Recession in Visegrad Countries. This will be the topic of the online roundtable discussion jointly organized by the Hungarian Economic Association (MKT) and the Institut Ekonomického Vzdělávání (INEV) on November 19th (Thursday), 2020, at 10:00AM. The discussion will be organized on the sidelines of the V4 International Final of the Economics [...]

Recovery from the COVID-19 Recession in the V4 Countries2020-11-19T23:59:59+00:00

Space technology – innovation made in Hungary

Space technology - innovation made in Hungary. This is title of the online roundtable discussion organized by the Industry and Entrepreneurship, Development Economics and Startup Sections of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) to be held an on Thursday, November 26, 2020 at 4 pm in the Cisco Webex application. The keynote presentation of the English-language [...]

Space technology – innovation made in Hungary2020-11-27T00:00:46+00:00

HEA-forum on EU CAP reform

Hungary is realising its interests in Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) talks, an agriculture ministry official told a professional forum of the Hungarian Economic Association on Tuesday. Anikó Juhász, deputy state secretary for agriculture, told the online event that Hungary is set to receive 12 billion euros in subsidies. Also, Hungary is slated to get 262.9 [...]

HEA-forum on EU CAP reform2020-11-06T12:58:13+00:00

EU-US: how to proceed after the presidential election?

Expected developments in transatlantic relations - closer or farther? Szabolcs Takács, Hungary's appointed Ambassador to Washington, former Secretary of State for European Union Affairs and Commissioner for Brexit, will give a lecture under this title on Monday, the 16th November, at 2 p.m., in Cisco Webex application. The participants will be greeted by Gábor Iván, [...]

EU-US: how to proceed after the presidential election?2020-11-17T18:15:19+00:00

The future is automated

The future is automated - advanced digital solutions in architecture. Gergely Paulinyi, President and CEO of Paulinyi & Partners Zrt., will give a lecture with this title at the invitation of the Real Estate Market Section of the Hungarian Economic Association on Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 2 pm in the Cisco Webex application. Information [...]

The future is automated2020-11-17T18:08:47+00:00

HEA Vice President to become Executive Director of IMF

Dániel Palotai, Vice President of the Hungarian Economic Association, President of the Competitiveness Section of the HEA and former Chief Economist of the MNB will become Member of the IMF Executive Board consisting of 24 Directors from 1 November. Dániel Palotai will be the first Hungarian Executive Director to represent the Central and Eastern European [...]

HEA Vice President to become Executive Director of IMF2020-11-02T10:58:31+00:00

Furthering Hungary’s interests during the CAP reform

The agreement on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union, recently approved by the EU agricultural ministers fundamentally determines the system and conditions of subsidies and production for Hungarian agriculture in the period 2021-2027.  The CAP makes up one-third of the 2021-2027 EU budget and is expected to enforce the achievement of the [...]

Furthering Hungary’s interests during the CAP reform2020-11-03T23:59:15+00:00

What’s next for the youth?

What’s next for the youth? Exploring the labour market difficulties of young people during the COVID-19 pandemic will be the title of an online event organised by the Labour Section of the Hungarian Economic Association on Thursday, 12 November 2020 from 2 p.m. via Cisco Webex. Speakers of the event: László Andor, Secretary General of [...]

What’s next for the youth?2020-11-12T23:59:20+00:00

Responsible corporate governance: green finance and election of officials

Green finance will be the focus of the upcoming online event of the Responsible Corporate Governance Section of the Hungarian Economic Association on Wednesday, 25 November 2020 from 10 a.m. via Microsoft Teams. During the event Banks and Sustainability: New Challenges in Corporate Governance will be discussed by Csaba Kandrács, Deputy Governor of the MNB [...]

Responsible corporate governance: green finance and election of officials2020-11-25T23:59:14+00:00

Budapest victory at the Economics Olympiad

The Hungarian final of the 2019-2020 V4 Economics Olympiad ended on Saturday with Emese Mezei, student of the Berzeviczy Gergely Bilingual Secondary School of Economics of the Budapest Centre of Economic Vocational Training as winner. The competition attracted secondary school students from 17 counties and the capital city. The national final eventually organised by the [...]

Budapest victory at the Economics Olympiad2020-10-29T21:23:42+00:00
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