New Board of the HEA Youth Committee

Ádám Lengyel, a student of Finance and Accounting at the University of Debrecen, former President of the Debrecen Youth Organisation of HEA, was elected President of the Youth Committee of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA YC). Tamás Wéber (ELTE) was elected Vice President of the HEA YC responsible for organisational development. Tamás Fekete (Budapest University [...]

New Board of the HEA Youth Committee2023-11-17T17:33:17+00:00

A demographic shift ahead?

Since the publication of the 2023 birth data and the related analyses by the HCSO, there has been a growing debate on the effectiveness of the demographic targets of recent years. These studies confirm the need for a new demographic strategy in Hungary. The Demographic Section of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) will organise a [...]

A demographic shift ahead?2023-11-15T18:24:12+00:00

About Economics in an Understandable Way

About Economics in an Understandable Way - this is the title of the book by Magdolna Csath, professor, vice-president of the Innovation Section of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA), member of the Competitiveness and IT Sections of the HEA. The aim of the book is to clarify basic economic concepts that are unfortunately often inaccurately [...]

About Economics in an Understandable Way2023-11-17T14:31:36+00:00

Our place in the EU – the role of regionalism

Our place in the European Union - the role of regionalism. This is the title of a professional round table discussion organised by the Hungarian Economic Association's (HEA) Heves County Organisation, HEA's Development Policy Section and the Eszterházy Károly Catholic University on Thursday, 23 November 2023, from 15:00 in Eger, in the library room A112 [...]

Our place in the EU – the role of regionalism2023-11-10T11:06:02+00:00

Compliance in the SME Sector

Compliance in the SME Sector - this is the title of an international conference organised by the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) and the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry in cooperation with the Development Economics and Central and Eastern European Sections of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) on Wednesday, 22 November 2023, from [...]

Compliance in the SME Sector2023-10-28T10:22:07+00:00

40th FIKOT – the congress available online

The National Meeting of Young Economists (FIKOT) was organised for the 40th time by the Youth Committee of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) on Friday 13 October 2023 at the University of Debrecen. This year's conference focused on artificial intelligence. The presentations and roundtable discussions of the 40th FIKOT can be watched on our website, [...]

40th FIKOT – the congress available online2023-11-02T17:45:26+00:00

What causes inflation in the world and for how long?

What causes inflation in the world and for how long? Kristóf Lehmann, Director of International Monetary Policy and Economic Education of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Head of the MNB Institute of the Neumann János University, will give a lecture on this topic at the invitation of the Hajdú-Bihar County Organisation of the Hungarian Economic Association [...]

What causes inflation in the world and for how long?2023-10-28T12:29:47+00:00

A new Nobel Prize in labour economics

The Labour Section of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA)  will organise a professional event on the occasion of the 2023 Nobel Memorial Prize of the labour economist Claudia Goldin on Thursday, 7 December 2023, from 14:00 on Webex and on the MKT YouTube channel. Emőke Török, Associate Professor at the Institute of Social and Communication [...]

A new Nobel Prize in labour economics2023-11-06T10:24:37+00:00

20 years in the EU: the labour market

Hungarian labour mobility experiences and future prospects - 20 years in the European Union. This is the title of an online professional conference organised by the Labour Section of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) on Thursday 30 November 2023 from 14:00 on Webex and on the MKT YouTube channel. The event is part of a [...]

20 years in the EU: the labour market2023-10-27T10:24:11+00:00

Economy and public finances from here and beyond

Economy and public finances from here and beyond - late autumn 2023. This is the title of a lecture to be held by Árpád Kovács, President of the Fiscal Council, Honorary President of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA), at the invitation of the HEA's Zala County Organisation, the VOSZ Zala County Organisation and the University of [...]

Economy and public finances from here and beyond2023-11-02T16:44:47+00:00
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