61st Itinerant Conference: registration has started

A special plenary programme is in store for the participants of the 61st Itinerant Conference of Economists: at the opening plenary session of the conference, György Matolcsy, Governor of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank, the Central Bank of Hungary, and Mihály Varga, Hungarian and Mihály Horváth, Slovakian Finance Minister, will discuss current economic policy issues in [...]

61st Itinerant Conference: registration has started2023-07-18T18:19:16+00:00

Péter Halmai President of the Section IX of HAS

Péter Halmai, academician, President of the Economic Policy and Economic Theory Section of the Hungarian Economic Association, professor at the National University of Public Service and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, was elected President of the Section IX of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS). Professor Halmai, who has also become a member [...]

Péter Halmai President of the Section IX of HAS2023-07-05T14:31:58+00:00

Three decades of the Employment Service

Three decades of the employment service - the gaps in institutional capacity building. This is the title of an online conference organised by the Hungarian Economic Association's (HEA) Labour Section on Thursday 14 September 2023 from 14:00 on Webex and on the HEA's YouTube channel. The introductory presentation will be given by Tibor Bors Borbély-Pecze, [...]

Three decades of the Employment Service2023-07-18T17:52:42+00:00

Globalisation vs. deglobalisation

An essay on globalisation by Peter Halmai, a full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, professor at the BME and the NKE, and president of the Economic Policy and Economic Theory Section of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA), is published in the June 2023 issue of the Financial and Economic Review. In connection with [...]

Globalisation vs. deglobalisation2023-06-28T10:15:41+00:00

100 years of the Hungarian Statistical Society

The Hungarian Statistical Society (MST) celebrates its 100th anniversary with a festive conference and book launch on Monday, 26 June 2023, from 10 a.m. at the Keleti Károly Hall of the Central Statistical Office (1024 Budapest, Keleti Károly u. 5-7.). The history of the MST and the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) is intertwined in many [...]

100 years of the Hungarian Statistical Society2023-06-16T17:48:44+00:00

The Growth Report is to be presented

Magyar Nemzeti Bank - in cooperation with the Hungarian Economic Association's (HEA) Competitiveness, Economic Policy and Economic Theory and Innovation Sections - will organise a professional event in connection with the presentation of the MNB's 2023 Growth Report on Wednesday, 14 June 2023, from 10 am at the Lámfalussy Conference Room of the MNB's Buda [...]

The Growth Report is to be presented2023-06-11T13:05:49+00:00

Employment Frameworks and Processes

Employment Frameworks and Processes - this is the title of a selection of articles by József Bagó, President of the Labour Section of the HEA, professional advisor to the Ministry of the Interior and Chief Government Counsellor, published in the Chronica Laboris section of the online Labour Review over the past five years. The articles [...]

Employment Frameworks and Processes2023-06-06T15:25:41+00:00

Renewal of the Industry and Entrepreneurship Section

As a result of the unanimous decision of the voting members, Miklós Kozma, Associate Professor and MBA Program Director of Corvinus University of Budapest, will be the President of the Industry and Entrepreneurship Section of the HEA for another three years. There was also no change in the Secretary: Balázs Babarczy, Senior Analyst at the [...]

Renewal of the Industry and Entrepreneurship Section2023-05-24T12:16:02+00:00

Turnaround in transportation: is the loss coming?

A dramatic turnaround in the road transport sector has taken place in the first quarter of 2023, with experts predicting that the sector could become loss-making. The Logistics Section of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) will organise an online event on this topic on Thursday, 1 June 2023, from 10 a.m. on Webex and on [...]

Turnaround in transportation: is the loss coming?2023-05-23T09:55:14+00:00

Boosting innovation: opportunities and challenges

Boosting innovation: opportunities and challenges for companies and the state - this is the title of an online conference organised by the Innovation Section of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) on Monday 19 June 2023, from 2 pm on Webex and on the MKT's YouTube channel. Magdolna Csath, PhD, Senior Advisor to the Rector of [...]

Boosting innovation: opportunities and challenges2023-05-22T17:12:14+00:00
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